Tuesday 28 November 2017

خالية من الأوراق المالية في خيارات اللعبة

سوق الأسهم لعبة هل فكرت في شراء الأسهم في شركة معينة ولكن فقط لم يكن لديك النقدية لجعل التجارة أو ربما سمعت أخبار عن شركة، وعلى الرغم من أن نفسك أن سعر السهم كان على وشك الارتفاع أو ربما يكون لديك دائما فقط أراد أن يعرف المزيد عن اختيار الأسهم بفضل تكنولوجيا البورصة الافتراضية، محاكاة سوق الأسهم (ويعرف أيضا باسم ألعاب سوق الأسهم) التي تمكنك من اختيار الأوراق المالية، وجعل الصفقات وتتبع نتائج كل دون المخاطرة بينير أقرب إلى لوحة المفاتيح أو الهاتف الخليوي. ما هو سوق الأسهم لعبة على الانترنت ألعاب سوق الأسهم هي برامج بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام التي تقليد العمل من واقع الحياة في أسواق الأسهم. معظم الألعاب سوق الأسهم تعطي المستخدمين 100،000 في التظاهر المال للبدء. من هناك، واللاعبين اختيار لشراء معظم الأسهم هي تلك التي تتوفر في بورصة نيويورك (نيس)، ناسداك وبورصة الأوراق المالية الأمريكية (أميكس). معظم المحاكاة الأسهم على الانترنت في محاولة لتتناسب مع ظروف الحياة الحقيقية والأداء الفعلي قدر الإمكان. الكثير حتى تهمة رسوم وسيط والعمولات. هذه الرسوم يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على الخط السفلي للمستثمرين، بما في ذلك هذه في محاكاة التداول يساعد المستخدمين على تعلم هذه التكاليف عند اتخاذ قرارات الشراء. على طول الطريق، ويتعلمون أيضا أساسيات التمويل وتعلم المصطلحات الأساسية للاستثمار، مثل التداول الزخم، والسراويل ونسب البولي ايثيلين. بعض المحاذير يمكن تطبيق هذه المهارات المفيدة على حساب تداول فعلي. بالطبع، في العالم الحقيقي، هناك العديد من العوامل التي تؤثر على قرارات التداول والاستثمار، مثل تلك المخاطر تحمل، أفق الاستثمار، والأهداف الاستثمارية، والقضايا الضريبية، والحاجة إلى التنويع، وهلم جرا. فمن المستحيل أن تأخذ علم النفس المستثمر في الاعتبار لأن النقد الصلب الحقيقي ليست في خطر. أيضا، في حين أن إنفستوبيديا ستوك محاكي يقترب من تكرار تجربة الحياة الحقيقية للتجارة، فإنه لا يوفر حاليا بيئة التداول في الوقت الحقيقي مع أسعار حية. ومع ذلك بالنسبة لمعظم المستخدمين تأخر 15 دقيقة في تنفيذ التجارة لن يكون انخفاضا في تجربة التعلم الخاصة بهم. إنفستوبيديا محاكي الأسهم: لعب طريقك إلى الأرباح إنفستوبيديا ستوك محاكي هو متكامل بشكل جيد مع المواقع محتوى تعليمي مألوف. باستخدام البيانات الحقيقية من الأسواق، يحدث التداول في سياق لعبة، والتي يمكن أن تنطوي على الانضمام إلى لعبة موجودة أو إنشاء لعبة مخصصة التي تسمح للمستخدم لتكوين القواعد. خيارات التداول الهامش، وأسعار العمولة قابل للتعديل وغيرها من الخيارات توفر مجموعة متنوعة من الطرق لتخصيص الألعاب. من هناك، ويوفر قائمة سهلة التنقل يتيح للمستخدمين تحديث ملفاتهم الشخصية، ومراجعة المقتنيات والتجارة والتحقق من ترتيبها، والاستثمارات البحثية ومراجعة الجوائز الخاصة بهم (والتي يمكن أن تكون مكتسبة لاستكمال الأنشطة المختلفة). أعتقد أن لديك ما يلزمفيرتوال البورصة الملاحة مرحبا بكم في لعبة سوق الأسهم الحرة من ماركيتواتش. وقالت أمب أخبار أدوات J. C. بيني انها ستغلق ما يصل الى 140 متجرا واثنين من مراكز التوزيع، والتي يعتقد المحللون أنها خطوة في الاتجاه الصحيح، ولكن لا يحل مشاكل أخرى. ويشعر المحللون بالقلق من أن سلاسل L فيدرياس فيكتوراس سكريت و باث بودي وركس تتأثر بضعف حركة المرور والمبيعات في مراكز التسوق. وقال المديرين التنفيذيين نوردستروم أرباح الشركة نتائج ويرنت تتأثر الرئيس ترومز تويت تعج الشركة لإسقاط خط أزياء إيفانكا ترومز. نفيدياس الأسهم تراجع بعد إنستينيت و بمو كابيتال خفض صانع رقاقة الرسومات إلى تصنيف هبوطي نادر. محتويات ذات صلة نسخة حقوق الطبع والنشر 2017 ماركيتواتش، Inc. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. باستخدام هذا الموقع، فإنك توافق على بنود الخدمة. سياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط. البيانات اليومية المقدمة من قبل سيكس المعلومات المالية ورهنا بشروط الاستخدام. بيانات نهاية اليوم التاريخية والحالية التي تقدمها سيكس فينانسيال إنفورماتيون. تأخرت البيانات اللحظية لكل متطلبات الصرف. سبدو جونز مؤشرات (سم) من شركة داو جونز، وشركة جميع يقتبس في وقت الصرف المحلي. في الوقت الحقيقي بيانات بيع الماضي المقدمة من نسداق. المزيد من المعلومات حول بورصة ناسداك تداولت الرموز وحالتها المالية الحالية. تأخرت البيانات اللحظية 15 دقيقة لناسداك، و 20 دقيقة للتبادلات الأخرى. سبدو جونز مؤشرات (سم) من شركة داو جونز، وشركة سيهك يتم توفير البيانات اللحظية من قبل سيكس المعلومات المالية ويتأخر 60 دقيقة على الأقل. كل الاقتباسات هي في الوقت الصرف المحلي. وتستخدم الآن أسماء حقيقية في ألعاب ألعاب في البورصة الافتراضية تظهر الآن اسمك الأول والأخير في التصنيف العالمي، والمناقشات، وملامح لاعب. مطلوب اسمك للعب أو التعليق الخاص بك ماركيتواتش الشخصي يتطلب الاسم الأول والأخير للعب مباريات في فيرتوال ستوك Exchange. Method وأجهزة للعب لعبة تداول الأسهم محاكاة الولايات المتحدة 7185890 B2 وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم يتم الكشف عنها و ويشمل توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة اللعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على هذا النحو تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، مع جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل المواقف الأسهم الفردية. وتشمل الطريقة كذلك عدد وافر من الأساليب لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة، وإنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال لعبة والمواقف الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة، وأخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، مع بدوره يتضمن أخذ مخفية بدوره وأخذ منعطفا مفتوحا. جهاز لعبة قد تشمل لوحة اللعبة، ورقة الصفقة التجارية لتسجيل الصفقات من مواقف الأسهم، بطاقة محاولة خفية لتسجيل سرا العطاءات المخفية، وعدد من القطع اللعبة بما في ذلك بدوره مفتوحة والخفية قطع اللعبة بدوره. (55) 1. طريقة لعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة اللعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهو جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ منعطفا من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، والتحول الخفي يتضمن تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك خفية بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال خفية بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية بدوره قطعة قطعة أرض والدوران المفتوح الذي يتضمن تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة لعبة قطعة بدوره على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات د اتخاذ أي إجراءات مبينة على الحيز الذي فتحت قطعة اللعبة بدوره الأراضي وتبادل المال اللعبة مع البورصة وفقا للتعليمات التي وضعت على بطاقة مختارة نتيجة لاتخاذ إجراء مبين على المساحات التي على أي من القطع اللعبة هبطت. 2. طريقة المطالبة 1 حيث كل بدوره قال من قبل كل من اللاعبين يجب أن تشمل بدوره خفية ودوران مفتوح. 3. طريقة المطالبة 2 حيث أخذ بدوره المفتوح يشمل شراء بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا كانت مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب الأراضي على واحدة من المواقف الأسهم التي لم يكن و أبدا مملوكة من قبل أي من اللاعبين و أي عروض خفية هي في انتظار لموقف السهم، موقف الأسهم التي هبطت قطعة لعبة مفتوحة لسعر محدد سلفا. 4. طريقة المطالبة 1 حيث تعدد المساحات على لوحة اللعبة يتضمن بداية من السنة من الفضاء السنة، وحيث أخذ بدوره من قبل لاعب يتضمن تلقي كمية محددة سلفا من المال اللعبة من قبل لاعب إذا قطعة اللعبة من الأراضي لاعب على بدء من يارند من الفضاء السنة. 5. طريقة المطالبة 1 بالإضافة إلى ذلك تشمل اختيار طريقة لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة، من عدد وافر من الأساليب لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة، قبل بدء اللعب من اللعبة. 6. طريقة المطالبة 2 حيث أخذ بدوره المفتوح يشمل أيضا شراء، وإذا كانت مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب الأراضي على واحدة من المواقف الأسهم التي هي أو كانت مملوكة من قبل لاعبين وليس هناك عطاءات خفية معلقة ل موقف الأسهم، موقف الأسهم التي هبطت قطعة لعبة مفتوحة لسعر الإغلاق الماضي المعدل. 7. طريقة المطالبة 6 حيث يشمل سعر إغلاق آخر تعديل: إذا كان لفة من الزهر للدوران المفتوح للاعب حتى، وسعر الإغلاق الأخير المعدل هو آخر سعر إغلاق لموقف السهم انخفض بمقدار محدد سلفا وإذا كان لفة من الزهر للدوران المفتوح للاعب كان غريبا، وسعر الإغلاق الأخير المعدل كونه آخر سعر إغلاق لموقف السهم زاد بمقدار محدد سلفا. 8. طريقة لعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقف الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره المفتوح حيث أخذ مفتوحة بدوره من قبل واحد من اللاعبين تتكون من: النرد المتداول لتحديد عدد من المساحات للمضي قدما مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب التقدم في فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد المساحات التي أشار إليها النرد توالت واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء على والتي تتحول مفتوحة لعبة قطعة الأراضي حيث أخذ بدوره مفتوحة بالإضافة إلى ذلك المشاركة في تقديم العطاءات لموقف السهم الذي فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب لا ندس، إذا كان موقف السهم لديه واحد على الأقل محاولة خفية معلقة وغير مملوكة من قبل اللاعب الذي فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة هبطت على مساحة موقف الأسهم، وتحديد محاولة الفوز. 9. طريقة المطالبة 8 بالإضافة إلى ذلك تشمل نقل ملكية موقف السهم إلى لاعب الفوز في المناقصة على دفع مبلغ من المال اللعبة المقابلة لمحاولة الفوز من قبل اللاعب الفائز لاعب الذي يملك موقف الأسهم قبل المناقصة، أو إلى البورصة إذا كانت الصفقة محتفظ بها من قبل السوق. 10. طريقة المطالبة 8 حيث إذا كان لاعبين فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة الأراضي على الموقف الذي نفس اللاعب لديه محاولة خفية نشطة، محاولة خفية نشطة حتى ذلك الوقت أن التجارة يحدث لموقف السهم بعد محاولة خفية يتم إدخال، ويعتبر محاولة مفتوحة لتكون لاعبين الصحيح محاولة، كما لو كان محاولة خفية كانت غير موجودة. 11. طريقة المطالبة 8 حيث تقديم العطاءات لمركز الأسهم يشمل تقييم أي عقوبات خاطئة للعطاء على أي لاعب يفقد العطاءات لوضع الأسهم، ودفع غرامات العطاءات الخاطئة من قبل اللاعبين الذين يخسرون المناقصة للاعب الفائز في المناقصة. 12. طريقة المطالبة 11 حيث يتم تقييم عقوبة العطاء الخطأ وفقا لطريقة تحديد عقوبة العطاء الخطأ اختيارها قبل بدء اللعب من اللعبة. 13. طريقة المطالبة 11 حيث يتم احتساب عقوبة العطاء الخطأ عن طريق وضع عقوبة عطاء خاطئة تساوي القيمة المطلقة للفرق بين عطاء اللاعب و عطاء اللاعب الفائز. 14- طريقة المطالبة 11 التي تحسب فيها عقوبة العطاء الخاطئة عن طريق وضع عقوبة عطاء خاطئة تساوي القيمة المطلقة لفروق العطاء في عطاء اللاعب حيث يشمل فرق العطاءات لكل من العطاءات المفتوحة والمخفية ما يلي: إذا كان العرض مخفيا يكون فارق العطاء هو القيمة المطلقة للفرق بين عرض السعر الخفي للمشغل وسعر فتح الأسهم، حيث يشمل سعر فتح السهم سعر العطاء المفتوح للاعب الذي اتخذ بدوره المفتوح وإذا كان عرض السعر كان فارق العطاء هو القيمة المطلقة للفرق بين العطاء المفتوح وسعر الإغلاق لمركز الأسهم، وسعر الإغلاق هو آخر سعر للمركز أو سعر إغلاق الصرف المحدد مسبقا. 15. طريقة المطالبة 14 حيث سعر الإغلاق هو آخر سعر تداول للمركز. 16. طريقة المطالبة 14 حيث يكون سعر الإقفال هو سعر الإقفال المحدد سلفا. 17- طريقة المطالبة 14 التي يحدد فيها العطاء المفتوح أن تكون مساوية لمحددة سلفا من لفة النرد. 18 - وطريقة المطالبة 8 التي تشمل تقديم العطاءات لمركز الأسهم ما يلي: الدخول في عطاء مفتوح لمركز الأسهم ومقارنة العطاء المفتوح لمركز السهم بأي عروض خفية معلقة بالنسبة لمركز السهم، بما في ذلك حساب فارق عرض السعر للمفتوح محاولة وأي عروض خفية لموقف السهم. 19. طريقة المطالبة 18 حيث يتم تحديد العطاء الفائز من خلال تحديد أي لاعب قدم عرضا مع أصغر فرق العطاءات، يتم تحديد العطاء مع أصغر الفرق في العطاء ليكون العطاء الفائز. 20- طريقة المطالبة 18 التي يحدد فيها العطاء المفتوح أن تكون مساوية لمحددة سلفا من لفة النرد. 21- طريقة المطالبة 18 التي يشمل فيها فارق العطاءات لكل من العطاءات المفتوحة والمخفية ما يلي: إذا كان العرض مخفيا، يكون فارق العطاء هو القيمة المطلقة للفرق بين عرض السعر الخفي للمشغل وسعر فتح الأسهم، حيث يشتمل سعر فتح السهم على العطاء المفتوح للاعب الذي يأخذ المنعطف المفتوح وإذا كان العرض مفتوحا، فإن فرق العطاء هو القيمة المطلقة للفرق بين العطاء المفتوح وسعر الإغلاق لمركز السهم، وهو الأخير سعر الصفقة أو سعر الإقفال المحدد سلفا. 22. طريقة المطالبة 21 حيث سعر الإغلاق هو آخر سعر تداول للمركز. 23. طريقة المطالبة 21 حيث يكون سعر الإقفال هو سعر الإقفال المحدد سلفا. 24- طريقة المطالبة 21 التي يحدد فيها العطاء المفتوح على أنه يساوي مضاعف محدد مسبقا لفافة النرد. 25. طريقة لعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحدد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقف الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره المفتوح حيث أخذ مفتوحة بدوره من قبل واحد من اللاعبين تتكون من: النرد المتداول لتحديد عدد من المساحات للمضي قدما مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب التقدم في فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد المساحات التي أشار إليها النرد توالت واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء على والتي تتحول مفتوحة لعبة قطعة الأراضي حيث أخذ بدوره مفتوحة بالإضافة إلى ذلك يتضمن دفع من قبل البورصة، إذا كانت مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة من لاعب الأراضي أو يمر مساحة على لوحة اللعبة بعد بداية العام من السنة ملحوظ على ذلك، أرباحا للاعب لكل من المواقف الأسهم المملوكة من قبل لاعب وفقا لمبلغ توزيع الأرباح المرتبطة موقف السهم. 26. طريقة المطالبة 25 حيث، إذا كانت القطعة مفتوحة بدوره قطعة أرض مباشرة على الفضاء بعد بداية العام من السنة ملحوظا على ذلك، ودفع من قبل البورصة مبلغ محدد سلفا من المال اللعبة، في وقت واحد، وفوق الأرباح المعمول بها. 27 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة اللعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، بدوره الخفي والتي تشمل تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك قطعة لعبة بدوره خفية على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، وتحريك خفية لعبة بدوره قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية تتحول قطعة قطعة اللعبة وفتح بدوره تتألف من تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات وتا الملك أي الإجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة الأراضي حيث تحول خفية من واحد من اللاعبين تتكون من: المتداول النرد لتحديد عدد من المساحات للمضي قدما خفية تحول لعبة قطعة من لاعب التقدم في خفية بدوره لعبة قطعة وعدد من المساحات المشار إليها من قبل النرد المدرفلة وتسجيل، إذا كانت لعبة خفية بدوره بدوره من لاعب الأراضي على واحدة من المساحات موقف الأسهم التي لا يملكها اللاعب الذي خفية تحول لعبة قطعة هبطت على مساحة موقف الأسهم، مخبأة محاولة من قبل لاعب لمساحة موقف الأسهم التي هبوط خفية قطعة اللعبة قد هبطت. 28- وطريقة المطالبة 27 التي تأخذ بدورها الخفية بالإضافة إلى ذلك تشمل دفع من قبل البورصة، إذا كانت قطعة اللعبة بدوره خفية الأراضي مباشرة على الفضاء بعد بداية العام من السنة ملحوظا على ذلك، مبلغ محدد سلفا من المال اللعبة. 29- وطريقة المطالبة 27 التي تكون فيها العطاءات إلزامية إلا إذا كان اللاعبون مخفيون قطعة أرض في موقع لمناسبة ثانية، قبل أن يتداولوا في موقف السهم بعد أول مناسبة. 30. طريقة المطالبة 27 حيث إذا كان اللاعبين خفية تتحول قطعة اللعبة الأراضي في موقف لمناسبة ثانية، قبل التجارة في موقف الأسهم بعد أول مناسبة، لاعب لديه الخيار لاستبدال محاولة خفية القديمة وأدخل عرض أسعار مخفي جديد. 31. طريقة المطالبة 27 حيث إذا كان اللاعبين خفية تتحول قطعة اللعبة الأراضي في موقف في مناسبة ثانية، قبل التداول في موقف الأسهم بعد أول مناسبة. لاعب لديه الخيار للسماح القديم موقف خفية العطاء، ولا يستلزم اللاعب لدخول محاولة خفية جديدة. 32 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، بدوره الخفي والتي تشمل تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك قطعة لعبة بدوره خفية على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، وتحريك خفية لعبة بدوره قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية تتحول قطعة قطعة اللعبة وفتح بدوره تتألف من تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات وتا الملك أي إجراءات مبينة على الحيز الذي يفتح بدوره قطعة قطعة اللعبة وتبادل المال اللعبة مع البورصة وفقا للتعليمات التي وضعت على بطاقة مختارة نتيجة لاتخاذ إجراء مبين على المساحات التي أي من قطع اللعبة قد هبطت حيث طريقة لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة ما يلي: إنهاء اللعبة إذا كان واحد على الأقل من اللاعبين لديه السيولة صفر، لاعب وجود صفر السيولة عندما لاعب لديه صفر أو رصيد نقدي سلبي، وحساب صافي قيمة الأصول لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل لاعب وجود أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول. 33 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل ما يلي: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحدد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، بدوره الخفي والتي تشمل تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك قطعة لعبة بدوره خفية على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، وتحريك خفية لعبة بدوره قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية تتحول قطعة قطعة اللعبة وفتح بدوره تتألف من تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات وتا الملك أي إجراءات مبينة على الحيز الذي يفتح بدوره قطعة قطعة الأراضي تبادل لعبة المال مع البورصة وفقا للتعليمات التي وضعت على بطاقة مختارة نتيجة لاتخاذ إجراء مبين على المساحات التي أي من قطع اللعبة قد هبطت فيها وهناك طريقة لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة ما يلي: تحديد ما إذا كان أي من اللاعبين لديه سيولة صفر، لاعب وجود صفر السيولة عندما لاعب لديه صفر أو رصيد نقدي سلبي، وإذا كان أحد اللاعبين لديه سيولة صفر، وجود لاعب مع عدم وجود سيولة بيع إلى البورصة كما العديد من المواقف الأسهم المملوكة من قبل اللاعب حسب الضرورة لاستعادة السيولة الإيجابية إذا كان واحد على الأقل من اللاعبين لديهم سيولة صفر وعدم وجود مخزون لبيع، وهو ما يعني لاعب مفلس، وحساب صافي قيمة الأصول لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل لاعب وجود أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول. 34- وطريقة المطالبة 33 بما في ذلك تزويد أحد اللاعبين بفصل معركة حماية الإفلاس في أثناء تقديم العطاءات، التي توفر للاعب معركة معفاة من قرض حماية الإفلاس من الذخيرة، وتشمل: إعارة اللاعب مبلغ من أموال اللعبة من البورصة يساوي الفرق بين العطاء الفائز وكمية من المال اللعبة أن اللاعب لديه في متناول اليد بعد استلام العقوبات محاولة خاطئة وإذا استمرت اللعبة تتطلب من اللاعب لسداد المبلغ من المال لعبة إعارة من قبل البورصة عندما يكون لاعب لديه قيمة الأصول تساوي أو أكبر من مبلغ المال اللعبة اعارة للاعب بالإضافة إلى مبلغ محدد سلفا، وإذا لزم الأمر تتطلب من لاعب لبيع واحد أو أكثر من المواقف لتبادل لجعل الاسترداد. 35- طريقة المطالبة رقم 34 حيث يكون أحد اللاعبين مؤهلين لمعركة الفصل من قرض حماية الإفلاس من الذكاء إذا: اللاعب قد دخل العطاء الفائز لواحد من مراكز الأسهم خلال مناقصة لمركز الأسهم اللاعب قد تلقى، من اللاعبين الذين دخلوا عطاءات خاطئة، أي عقوبات محاولة خاطئة التي يحق للاعب واللاعب ليس لديه ما يكفي من المال اللعبة لدفع مبلغ من العطاء الفائز لمالك موقف الأسهم واللاعب غير قادر على رفع النقدية المطلوبة عن طريق بيع أي مناصب إلى البورصة. 36 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل ما يلي: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحدد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، بدوره الخفي والتي تشمل تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك قطعة لعبة بدوره خفية على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، وتحريك خفية لعبة بدوره قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية تتحول قطعة قطعة اللعبة وفتح بدوره تتألف من تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات وتا الملك أي إجراءات مبينة على الحيز الذي يفتح بدوره قطعة قطعة اللعبة وتبادل المال اللعبة مع البورصة وفقا للتعليمات التي وضعت على بطاقة مختارة نتيجة لاتخاذ إجراء مبين على المساحات التي أي من قطع اللعبة قد هبطت حيث طريقة لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة ما يلي: تحديد الفترة الزمنية التي تلعب لعبة تنتهي اللعبة عندما مرت الفترة الزمنية أو كل أو كل واحد ولكن واحد من اللاعبين لديهم صفر السيولة، لاعب وجود صفر السيولة عندما لاعب لديه صفر أو رصيد نقدي سلبي حساب قيمة الأصول الصافية لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل لاعب وجود أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول. 37- إن طريقة المطالبة 36 التي يكون فيها أي لاعب بلا سيولة، لاعب بلا سيولة عندما يكون لدى اللاعب رصيد نقدي سالب أو سالب، قبل كل اللاعبين أو كلهم ​​باستثناء واحد من اللاعبين الذين لا يتمتعون بالسيولة أو نهاية اللعبة على أساس الوقت المحدد سلفا، تصبح لاعبين للنوم، لاعب النوم هو واحد الذي يحتفظ ملكية من له أو لها الأسهم المواقف ويبقى قادرا على الفوز في المباراة ولكن لا يمكن أن تشارك بنشاط من خلال اتخاذ أي المنعطفات، والتي يتم تجميد أصولها بحيث لا العطاءات أو يمكن أن يحدث التداول لمراكز الأسهم المملوكة من قبل هذا اللاعب. 38 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل: توفير جهاز لعبة بما في ذلك لوحة اللعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة، وهي جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقع الأسهم الفردية إنشاء تبادل للتعامل مع تبادل المال اللعبة ووضع الأسهم خلال اللعب من اللعبة أخذ بدوره من قبل أحد اللاعبين، بدوره يشمل اتخاذ بدوره خفية وأخذ بدوره مفتوحا، بدوره الخفي والتي تشمل تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك قطعة لعبة بدوره خفية على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، وتحريك خفية لعبة بدوره قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات، واتخاذ أي إجراءات المشار إليها على الفضاء الذي خفية تتحول قطعة قطعة اللعبة وفتح بدوره تتألف من تحديد عدد من المساحات لتحريك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة على طول عدد وافر من المساحات، والانتقال مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة عدد محدد من المساحات وتا ملك أي إجراءات مبينة على الفضاء الذي فتح بدوره لعبة قطعة الأراضي حيث توفير جهاز لعبة ما يلي: واحدة من تعدد المساحات مع بداية السنة من السنة ملحوظ على ذلك واحد من تعدد المساحات التي كنت حصلت على احتيال ملحوظ على ذلك واحدة من تعدد المساحات التي كنت تروك غولد ملحوظ على هذا واحد من تعدد المساحات التي تنتهي في نهاية الربع الأول ملحوظ على واحد من تعدد المساحات مع نهاية الربع الثاني ملحوظ على ذلك، واحدة من تعدد المساحات مع نهاية الربع الثالث ملحوظ عليها. 39. طريقة المطالبة 38 بما في ذلك قطف، إذا واحدة من قطع اللعبة من لاعب الأراضي على واحدة من المساحات وجود بطاقة المباراة المرتبطة بها، مثل كنت غوت سكامد، يو ستروك غولد، نهاية الربع الأول، نهاية الربع الثاني، ونهاية الربع الثالث المساحات، واحدة من بطاقات اللعبة المرتبطة واتباع التعليمات ملحوظ على بطاقة اللعبة التي اختارها اللاعب. 40. جهاز لعبة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم من قبل عدد وافر من اللاعبين، وجهاز اللعبة تتألف من: لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات ملحوظ على لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات تحديد مسار الحركة على لوحة اللعبة وكمية من المال اللعبة لتوفير كل لاعب مع مبلغ من المال لعبة ورقة الصفقة التجارية لتسجيل الصفقات من مواقف الأسهم وكمية من المال اللعبة المرتبطة التجارة بطاقات محاولة مخفية لتسجيل سرا العطاءات الخفية من كل لاعب للسهم مواقف عدد من قطع اللعبة لوضع علامات على لاعب على المساحات من لوحة اللعبة، وقطع اللعبة بما في ذلك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة وخفية بدوره لعبة قطعة لكل لاعب، بدوره المفتوح والخفية قطع اللعبة بدوره من كل لاعب وجود نفس اللون، وقطع اللعبة من لاعبين مختلفين وجود ألوان مختلفة وعدد وافر من بطاقات اللعبة، كل من بطاقات اللعبة وجود مؤشرات رقمية ملحوظ على ذلك حيث لا يقل عن اثنين o من تعدد المسافات لديها مؤشرات مختلفة تميزت فيها حيث لا يقل عن اثنين من عدد وافر من بطاقات اللعبة لديها مؤشرات مختلفة ملحوظ على ذلك، والمؤشرات على أول واحد من اثنين على الأقل بطاقات المباراة مباريات أول واحد من مؤشرات مختلفة على أول واحد من تعدد المساحات والثانية من اثنين على الأقل من بطاقات المباراة مباريات الثانية واحدة من مؤشرات مختلفة على ثانية واحدة من تعدد المساحات جزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل المواقف الفردية الأسهم، كل من المساحات موقف الأسهم وجود عدد ملحوظ على ذلك واحد من تعدد المساحات بعد بداية السنة من علامات العام ملحوظ على واحد من تعدد المساحات التي كنت حصلت على احتيال مؤشرات ملحوظ على ذلك واحد من تعدد المساحات التي كنت تروك مؤشرات الذهب ملحوظ ومن هذا المنطلق، تعد واحدة من تعدد المساحات التي تنتهي في نهاية الربع الأول من العام الماضي، علما بأن الدلالة تشير إلى وجود عدد من المساحات في نهاية الربع الثاني، تعدد المساحات التي لها مؤشرات نهاية الربع الثالث. 41. جهاز لعبة المطالبة 40 حيث الجزء الأول من تعدد بطاقات المباراة كل تتوافق مع واحدة من مواقف الأسهم من المساحات على مسار لوحة اللعبة مثل أن حيازة بطاقة اللعبة يشير إلى ملكية موقف الأسهم المقابلة ، كل من بطاقات اللعبة من الجزء الأول وجود مبلغ توزيعات الأرباح ملحوظ على ذلك. 42. جهاز لعبة المطالبة 40 حيث: الجزء الثاني من تعدد بطاقات كل يتوافق مع تعدد المساحات التي كنت حصلت على احتيال مؤشرات ملحوظ على ذلك الجزء الثالث من تعدد البطاقات كل المقابلة لعدد وافر من المساحات التي كنت تروك غولد مؤشر ملحوظ على جزء رابع من عدد وافر من بطاقات كل المقابلة إلى الفضاء بعد نهاية الربع الأول الدلالات ملحوظ على ذلك الجزء الخامس من تعدد البطاقات كل المقابلة للفضاء وجود نهاية الربع الثاني المؤشرات التي تم وضع علامة عليها والجزء السادس من عدد وافر من البطاقات كل المقابلة إلى الفضاء وجود نهاية الربع الثالث المؤشرات ملحوظ على ذلك. 43 - وهناك طريقة للعب لعبة محاكاة تداول الأسهم، وتشمل ما يلي: توفير جهاز لعبة تتألف من: لوحة لعبة وجود عدد وافر من المساحات على سطح أعلى من لوحة اللعبة، وافر من المسافات التي تحدد مسار لا نهاية لها من الحركة على لعبة متنها، وجزء من تعدد المساحات التي تمثل مواقف الأسهم الفردية، كل من المساحات موقف الأسهم وجود عدد ملحوظ على ذلك واحد من تعدد المساحات بعد بداية السنة من السنة ملحوظ على هذا واحد من تعدد المساحات يو غوت سكام ملحوظ على واحد من عدد وافر من المساحات التي كنت تروك غولد ملحوظ على ذلك واحد من تعدد المساحات بعد نهاية الربع الأول ملحوظ على هذا واحد من تعدد المساحات بعد نهاية الربع الثاني ملحوظ على هذا واحد من تعدد المساحات التي إند من الربع الثالث ملحوظ على ذلك صفقة الصفقة التجارية لتسجيل الصفقات من مواقف الأسهم وكمية من المال اللعبة المرتبطة التجارة مخبأة بطاقات محاولة سر لي تسجيل عطاءات مخبأة لوضع الأسهم كمية من المال اللعبة، كل لاعب وجود مبلغ من المال اللعبة، وكمية من المال اللعبة التي يملكها كل لاعب تتألف من 12،000 في المال اللعبة، وكمية من المال اللعبة التي تتألف من خمسة 1،000 فواتير، وثمانية 500 فواتير، وثلاثين 100 فواتير عددا من قطع اللعبة لوضع علامات على موقف لاعب على المساحات من لوحة اللعبة، وقطع اللعبة بما في ذلك مفتوحة بدوره لعبة قطعة وخفية بدوره لعبة قطعة لكل لاعب، ودوران مفتوحة وخفية قطع اللعبة بدوره من كل لاعب وجود نفس اللون، وقطع اللعبة من لاعبين مختلفين وجود ألوان مختلفة عدد وافر من بطاقات اللعبة، كل من بطاقات اللعبة وجود مؤشرات رقمية ملحوظ على ذلك، وهو الجزء الأول من عدد وافر من بطاقات المقابلة لكل واحدة من الأسهم مواقف الأماكن على مسار لوحة اللعبة مثل أن حيازة بطاقة اللعبة يشير إلى ملكية موقف الأسهم المقابلة، كل من بطاقات اللعبة من الجزء الأول وجود مبلغ الأرباح الموزعة على كل من بطاقات اللعبة من الجزء الأول وجود هوية وهمي وهمية من شركة تميزت في هذا الشأن، والجزء الأول يضم 28 بطاقات الجزء الثاني من تعدد البطاقات كل المقابلة لتعدد المساحات بعد أن حصلت على ساجد ملحوظ على ذلك، الجزء الثاني يضم 28 بطاقات الجزء الثالث من عدد وافر من بطاقات كل المقابلة لعدد وافر من المساحات التي كنت تروك الذهب ملحوظ على ذلك، والجزء الثالث تضم 27 بطاقات الجزء الرابع من عدد وافر من بطاقات المقابلة لكل الفضاء وجود نهاية الربع الأول ملحوظ على ذلك، الجزء الرابع يتألف من أربع بطاقات الجزء الخامس من عدد وافر من بطاقات كل المقابلة للفضاء بعد نهاية الربع الثاني ملحوظ على ذلك، والجزء الخامس تتألف من أربع بطاقات الجزء السادس من عدد وافر من البطاقات كل المقابلة إلى الفضاء بعد نهاية الربع الثالث ملحوظ على ذلك، الجزء السادس يضم أربع بطاقات عدد وافر من الأساليب الممكنة لإنهاء اللعب من اللعبة، وأساليب لإنهاء اللعب بما في ذلك: الطريقة الأولى لإنهاء اللعب تتألف من: تحديد ما إذا كان أي من اللاعبين لديه سيولة صفر، لاعب بلا سيولة عندما لاعب لديه صفر أو نقدا سلبيا إذا كان لاعب واحد على الأقل لديه سيولة صفر حساب قيمة الأصول الصافية لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل اللاعب الذي لديه أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول طريقة ثانية لإنهاء اللعب تشمل ما يلي: تحديد ما إذا كان أي من اللاعبين لديه سيولة صفر، لاعب بلا سيولة عند لاعب لديه صفر أو رصيد نقدي سلبي، وإذا كان واحد من اللاعبين لديه سيولة صفر، لاعب بعد أن يصبح سيولة صفر لاعب النوم، لاعب النوم هو الذي يحتفظ ملكية له أو لها الأسهم ولا تزال قادرة على الفوز في المباراة ولكن لا يمكن أن تشارك بنشاط من خلال اتخاذ أي المنعطفات، والتي يتم تجميد أصولها بحيث لا يمكن تقديم العطاءات أو التداول لمواقف الأسهم المملوكة من قبل هذا اللعب r وإذا كان كل أو كل واحد ولكن واحد من اللاعبين لديهم سيولة صفر. وحساب صافي قيمة الأصول لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل اللاعب الذي لديه أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول طريقة ثالثة لإنهاء اللعب تشمل ما يلي: تحديد إذا كان أي من اللاعبين المفلسين، لاعب يصبح مفلس عندما يكون لاعب لديه صفر أو الرصيد النقدي السلبي وليس لديه مراكز لبيع إذا كان لاعب واحد على الأقل مفلس وحساب صافي قيمة الأصول لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل اللاعب الذي لديه أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول طريقة رابعة لإنهاء اللعب تشمل ما يلي: تحديد ما إذا كان أي من اللاعبين مفلسين، لاعب يصبح مفلس عندما لاعب لديه صفر أو رصيد نقدي سلبي وليس لديه مناصب للبيع إذا كان كل أو كل واحد ولكن واحد من اللاعبين إفلاس، وحساب قيمة الأصول الصافية لكل لاعب والفوز في المباراة من قبل اللاعب الذي لديه أعلى قيمة صافي الأصول طريقة الخامسة لإنهاء اللعب تتألف من: تحديد فترة زمنية للعب المباراة إنهاء اللعبة عندما مرت الفترة الزمنية أو كل أو كل واحد فقط س f the players have zero liquidity, a player having zero liquidity when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance calculating a net asset value for each player and winning the game by the player having the highest net asset value a sixth method of ending play comprising: setting a time period over which to play the game ending the game when the time period has passed or all or all but one of the players are bankrupt, a player becoming bankrupt when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance and has no positions to sell calculating a net asset value for each player and winning the game by the player having the highest net asset value establishing an Exchange for handling exchange of game money and stock positions during play of the game, which owns all the stock positions at the start of the game choosing a player to move first during play of the game taking a turn by one of the players, the turn comprising taking a hidden turn and taking an open turn wherein the hidden turn comprises: rolling the dice to determine a number of spaces to advance the hidden turn game piece of the player advancing the hidden turn game piece the number of spaces indicated by the rolled dice recording, if the hidden turn game piece of the player lands on one of the stock position spaces, a hidden bid on the players hidden bid card for the stock position space on which the hidden turn game piece has landed wherein the open turn comprises: rolling the dice to determine a number of spaces to advance the open turn game piece of the player advancing the open turn game piece the number of spaces indicated by the rolled dice paying by the Exchange, if the open turn game piece of the player lands on or passes the space having START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR marked thereon, a dividend to the player for each of the stock positions owned by the player according to the dividend amount marked on the game cards corresponding to the stock positions owned by the player buying, if the open tu rn game piece of the player lands on one of the stock positions that is not or never has been owned by one of the players and no hidden bids are pending for the stock position, the stock position on which the open game piece landed for a predetermined Exchange closing price, wherein the predetermined Exchange closing price comprises 1000 buying, if the open turn game piece of the player lands on one of the stock positions and no hidden bids are pending for the stock position, the stock position on which the open game piece landed for an adjusted last closing price, the adjusted last closing price comprising: if the roll of the dice for the open turn was even, the adjusted last closing price being a last closing price for the stock position decreased by a predetermined amount if the roll of the dice for the open turn was odd, the adjusted last closing price being a last closing price for the stock position increased by a predetermined amount engaging in bidding for the stock position on which the open turn game piece of the player lands if the stock position has at least one hidden bid is pending, including: entering an open bid for the stock position, an amount of the open bid being equal to a predetermined multiple of a roll of the dice comparing the open bid for the position to any hidden bids pending for the stock position, including calculating a bid difference for the open bid and any hidden bids for the stock position wherein the bid difference comprises: if the bid was hidden, the bid difference being the absolute value of a difference between the hidden bid of the player and a stock opening price, wherein the stock opening price comprises the open bid of the player whose open turn game piece landed on the stock position space if the bid was open, the bid difference being the absolute value of a difference between the open bid and a closing price of the stock position, wherein the closing price comprises the last price for the stock position or a pre-determin ed Exchange closing price, the latter applicable for the price of positions which have never previously traded determining a winning player in the bidding by establishing which bid of the players has the smallest bid difference assessing any wrong bid penalties on any players losing the bidding for the stock position, wherein the wrong bid penalty is assessed according to one of the following methods: a first method comprising setting the wrong bid penalty equal to the absolute value of a difference between the bid of the player and the bid of the winning player a second method comprising setting the wrong bid penalty equal to the absolute value of the bid difference of the bid of the player transferring ownership of the stock position to the winning player upon payment by the winning bidder to a player who owned the stock position before the bidding or to the Exchange, in case the position is held by the Exchange receiving a predetermined amount of game money by the player if one of t he game pieces of the player lands on the space having START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR marked thereon, over and above applicable dividends, which are receivable by the player simultaneously picking, if one of the game pieces of the player lands on one of the spaces having an associated game card, such as the YOU GOT SCAMMED, YOU STRUCK GOLD, END OF QUARTER I, END OF QUARTER II, and END OF QUARTER III spaces, one of the associated game cards and following instructions marked on the game card picked by the player providing one of the players with Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection during bidding, that provides the player with a Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection loan, if: the game is played using the third, fourth or sixth method of ending play the player has entered the winning bid for one of the stock positions during bidding for the stock position the player has received any wrong bid penalties to which the winning player is entitled from the players that entered losing bids the player does not have sufficient game money, even after sale of the players position or positions to the Exchange, to pay an amount of the winning bid to an owner of the stock position, which may be another player or the Exchange, which was the object of the bidding giving the player an amount of game money from the Exchange equal to a difference between the winning bid and game money that the player has on hand and if the game continues requiring the player to pay back the amount of game money loaned by the Exchange when the player has an asset value equal to or greater than the amount of game money loaned to the player plus a predetermined amount, and if necessary in order to make the payback requiring the player to sell one or more positions to the Exchange. 44. The method of claim 43 wherein bidding is compulsory if a hidden or open turn game piece of a player lands on a stock position space on the game board, except if the stock position is owned by the same player or except if a players hidden game piece lands on a position on a second occasion, prior to a trade of the stock position after the first occasion. 45. The method of claim 43 wherein if a players open turn game piece lands on a position for which the same player has an active hidden bid, a hidden bid being active until such time that a trade occurs for the stock position after the hidden bid is entered, the open bid is deemed to be the players correct bid, as if the hidden bid were non-existent. 46. The method of claim 43 wherein if a players hidden turn game piece lands on a position for a second occasion, prior to a trade of the stock position after the first occasion, the player has the option to replace the old hidden bid and enter a new hidden bid. 47. The method of claim 43 wherein if a players hidden turn game piece lands on a position on a second occasion, prior to a trade of the stock position after the first occasion, the player has the option to let the old hidden bid stand, and not necessitating the player to enter a new hidden bid. 48. A method of playing a stock trading simulation game, comprising: providing a game apparatus including a game board having a plurality of spaces marked on the game board, the plurality of spaces defining a path of movement on the game board, a portion of the plurality of spaces representing individual stock positions establishing an Exchange for handling exchange of game money and stock positions during play of the game taking a turn by one of the players, the turn comprising taking a hidden turn and taking an open turn, the hidden turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move a hidden turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the hidden turn game piece the determined number of spaces, and taking any actions indicated on the space on which the hidden turn game piece lands and the open turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move an open turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the open turn game piece the determined number of spaces and ta king any actions indicated on the space on which the open turn game piece lands wherein a method for ending play of the game includes: determining if any of the players has zero liquidity, a player having zero liquidity when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance and if all or all but one of the players have zero liquidity calculating a net asset value for each player and winning the game by the player having the highest net asset value. 49. The method of claim 48 wherein any players having zero liquidity, a player having zero liquidity when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance, prior to all or all but one of the players having zero liquidity, become sleeping players, a sleeping player being one who retains ownership of his or her stock positions and remains able to win the game but cannot actively participate by taking any turns, and whose assets are frozen such that no bidding or trading can occur for stock positions owned by this player. 50. A method of playing a stock trading simulation game, comprising: providing a game apparatus including a game board having a plurality of spaces marked on the game board, the plurality of spaces defining a path of movement on the game board, a portion of the plurality of spaces representing individual stock positions establishing an Exchange for handling exchange of game money and stock positions during play of the game taking a turn by one of the players, the turn comprising taking a hidden turn and taking an open turn, the hidden turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move a hidden turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the hidden turn game piece the determined number of spaces, and taking any actions indicated on the space on which the hidden turn game piece lands and the open turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move an open turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the open turn game piece the determined number of spaces and ta king any actions indicated on the space on which the open turn game piece lands and exchanging game money with the Exchange according to instructions marked on a card selected as a result of taking an action indicated on the spaces on which either of the game pieces has landed wherein a method for ending play of the game includes: determining if any of the players has zero liquidity, a player having zero liquidity when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance, and if one or more of the players have zero liquidity, having the player with zero liquidity sell to the Exchange as many stock positions owned by the player as necessary to regain positive liquidity if all or all but one of the players have zero liquidity and no stock positions to sell, which implies bankruptcy, calculating a net asset value for each player and winning the game by the player having the highest net asset value. 51. The method of claim 50 including providing one of the players with Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection during bidding, that provides the player with a Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection loan, comprising: loaning the player an amount of game money from the Exchange equal to a difference between the winning bid and an amount of game money that the player has on hand and if the game continues requiring the player to pay back the amount of game money loaned by the Exchange when the player has an asset value equal to or greater than the amount of game money loaned to the player plus a predetermined amount, and if necessary requiring the player to sell one or more positions to the exchange to make the payback. 52. The method of claim 51 wherein one of the players qualifies for the Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection loan if: the player has entered the winning bid for one of the stock positions during bidding for the stock position the player has received, from the players that entered losing bids, any wrong bid penalties to which the player is entitled and the player does not have sufficient game money to pay an amount of the winning bid to an owner of the stock position and the player is unable to raise the required cash by selling any positions to the Exchange. 53. A method of playing a stock trading simulation game, comprising: providing a game apparatus including a game board having a plurality of spaces marked on the game board, the plurality of spaces defining a path of movement on the game board, a portion of the plurality of spaces representing individual stock positions establishing an Exchange for handling exchange of game money and stock positions during play of the game taking a turn by one of the players, the turn comprising taking a hidden turn and taking an open turn, the hidden turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move a hidden turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the hidden turn game piece the determined number of spaces, and taking any actions indicated on the space on which the hidden turn game piece lands and the open turn comprising determining a number of spaces to move an open turn game piece along the plurality of spaces, moving the open turn game piece the determined number of spaces and ta king any actions indicated on the space on which the open turn game piece lands and exchanging game money with the Exchange according to instructions marked on a card selected as a result of taking an action indicated on the spaces on which either of the game pieces has landed wherein a method for ending play of the game includes: setting a time period over which to play the game ending the game when the time period has passed or all or all of the players but one is bankrupt, a player becoming bankrupt when the player has a zero or a negative cash balance and has no positions to sell calculating a net asset value for each player and winning the game by the player having the highest net asset value. 54. The method of claim 53 including providing one of the players with Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection during bidding, that provides the player with a Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection loan, comprising: loaning the player an amount of game money from the Exchange equal to a difference between the winning bid and an amount of game money that the player has on hand and if the game continues requiring the player to pay back the amount of game money loaned by the Exchange when the player has an asset value equal to or greater than the amount of game money loaned to the player plus a predetermined amount, and if necessary requiring the player to sell one or more positions to the exchange to make the payback. 55. The method of claim 54 wherein one of the players qualifies for the Chapter Battle of Wits bankruptcy protection loan if: the player has entered the winning bid for one of the stock positions during bidding for the stock position the player has received, from the players that entered losing bids, any wrong bid penalties to which the player is entitled and the player does not have sufficient game money to pay an amount of the winning bid to an owner of the stock position and the player is unable to raise the required cash by selling any positions to the Exchange. The subject matter of the present utility patent application has been registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office under the disclosure document program. Two separate requests for registration under the disclosure document program have been filed. The first request was received at the United States Patent and Trademark on Sep. 20, 2002 and was assigned the registration number 519245. The second request was received at the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Nov. 13, 2002 and was assigned the registration number 521378. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to stock trading simulation games and more particularly pertains to a new method and apparatus for playing a stock trading simulation game to simulate the benefits and pitfalls of bidding on and trading stocks and commodities, and speculation in financial instruments and instruments of investment. 2. Description of the Prior Art The use of stock trading simulation games is known in the prior art. However, the manner of simulating bidding for stocks in the known games is believed to be rather limited in the realism that may be achieved. The method and apparatus for playing a stock trading simulation game according to the present invention substantially departs from the conventional concepts and designs of the prior art, and in so doing provides an apparatus primarily developed for the purpose of simulating the benefits and pitfalls of bidding on and trading stocks and commodities, and speculation in financial instruments and instruments of investment. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the foregoing disadvantages inherent in the known types of stock trading simulation games now present in the prior art, the present invention provides a new method and apparatus for playing a stock trading simulation game to simulate the benefits and pitfalls of bidding on and trading stocks and commodities and speculation in financial instruments and instruments of investment. To attain this, one aspect of the invention includes a method of playing a stock trading simulation game that includes providing a game apparatus including a game board having a plurality of spaces marked thereon defining a path of movement on the game board, with a portion of the plurality of spaces representing individual stock positions. The method further includes a plurality of methods for ending play of the game, establishing an Exchange for handling exchange of game money and stock positions during play of the game, and taking a turn by one of the players, with the turn comprising taking a hidden turn and taking an open turn. Another aspect of the invention contemplates a game apparatus may include the game board, a trade transaction sheet for recording trades of stock positions, a hidden bid card for secretly recording hidden bids, and a number of game pieces including open turn and hidden turn game pieces. There has thus been outlined, rather broadly, the more important features of the invention in order that the detailed description thereof that follows may be better understood, and in order that the present contribution to the art may be better appreciated. There are additional features of the invention that will be described hereinafter and which will form the subject matter of the claims appended hereto. In this respect, before explaining at least one embodiment of the invention in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and to the arrangements of the components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced and carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology employed herein are for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. As such, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the conception, upon which this disclosure is based, may readily be utilized as a basis for the designing of other structures, methods and systems for carrying out the several purposes of the present invention. It is important, therefore, that the claims be regarded as including such equivalent constructions insofar as they do not depart from the spirit and scope of the present invention. Advantages of the invention, along with the various features of novelty which characterize the invention, are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and the specific objects attained by its uses, reference should be made to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which there are illustrated preferred embodiments of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be better understood and objects of the invention will become apparent when consideration is given to the following detailed description thereof. Such description makes reference to the annexed drawings wherein: FIG. 1 is a schematic top view of a game board for the new method and apparatus for playing a stock trading simulation game according to the present invention. FIG. 2 is a schematic front and rear view of a stock position card of the present invention. FIG. 3 is a schematic front and rear view of a YOU GOT SCAMMED card of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a schematic front and rear view of a YOU STRUCK GOLD card of the present invention. FIG. 5 is a schematic front and rear view of an END OF QUARTER I card of the present invention. FIG. 6 is a schematic front and rear view of an END OF QUARTER II card of the present invention. FIG. 7 is a schematic front and rear view of an END OF QUARTER III card of the present invention. FIG. 8 is a schematic front view of a trade transaction sheet and a hidden bid card of the present invention. FIG. 9 is a schematic flow diagram of a general process of the game of the present invention. FIG. 10 is a schematic flow diagram of the hidden turn process and a portion of the open turn process of the present invention. FIG. 11 is a schematic flow diagram of another portion of the open turn process of the present invention. FIG. 12 is a schematic flow diagram of another portion of the open turn process of the present invention including the bidding process for a stock position. FIG. 13 is a schematic flow diagram of a process for determining a winner of the bidding process for a stock position. FIG. 14 is a schematic flow diagram of a process for determining the bid difference for open and hidden bids in the bidding process. FIG. 15A is a schematic flow diagram of one optional process for ending the game of the present invention based upon the liquidity of the players. FIG. 15B is a schematic flow diagram of a variation of the optional process for ending the game depicted in FIG. 15A . FIG. 16A is a schematic flow diagram of another optional process for ending the game of the present invention based upon the solvency of the players. FIG. 16B is a schematic flow diagram of a variation of the optional process for ending the game depicted in FIG. 16B . FIG. 17 is a schematic flow diagram of an optional process for providing assistance to players who become bankrupt during playing of the game of the present invention. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS With reference now to the drawings, and in particular to FIGS. 1 through 17 thereof, a new method and apparatus for playing a stock trading simulation game embodying the principles and concepts of the present invention will be described. A game board 10 (see FIG. 1 ) is provided with a plurality of spaces 12 that are marked on the top surface of the game board and that define a game path 14 . A plurality of the spaces on the game board may represent stocks as stock positions 16 (hereinafter referred to as positions), and each may be demarcated by numbers 18 and legends identifying fictitious companies. Illustratively, the initial space 20 may be marked as START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR. The first stock position 22 space may be marked with the numeral 1 , and the second stock position 24 may be marked with the numeral 2 , and so on. Various spaces interspersed among the numbered positions may include the legends YOU GOT SCAMMED (space 26 ), YOU STRUCK GOLD (space 28 ), END OF QUARTER I (space 30 ), END OF QUARTER II (space 32 ), and END OF QUARTER III (space 34 ) that have a significance that will soon become apparent. Game cards 36 (see FIG. 2 ) may be provided for each stock position on the game board as an indicator of ownership of the position. Also, game cards (see FIGS. 3 through 7 ) may be provided for each of the other spaces on the game board that are marked with the various legends described above, such as YOU GOT SCAMMED cards 38 . YOU STRUCK GOLD cards 40 . END OF QUARTER I cards 42 . END OF QUARTER II cards 44 . and END OF QUARTER III cards 46 . A trade transaction sheet 48 (see FIG. 8 ) may also be maintained to record the various trades and the amount of game money associated with the trade. Additionally, each player may be provided with a hidden bid card 50 (see FIG. 8 )for recording hidden bids in a secret manner during the course of the game. Prior to the start of the game, each player is given an amount of game money and a number of game pieces. In one implementation of the game, each player may be given an amount of 12,000 in game money. This amount may be distributed to each player in the form of five 1,000 bills, eight 500 bills, and thirty 100 bills. Game pieces may be distributed to each player, and may include an open turn game piece and a hidden turn game piece. The colors of the open turn and hidden turn game pieces of each player should match and the matching color of each players game pieces should be different from the colors of the game pieces of the other players to facilitate identification of the game pieces with the individual players. Two to six players may play the game of the invention at a time, although it is possible that more person may participate. At the beginning of game play, an entity known as the Exchange owns all the excess game money (not distributed to players as described above) and stock positions and therefore all position game cards may be held by the Exchange at the beginning of the game. Initially, before the game is begun, the players may choose a specific type of manner or way in which the game is to end or terminate (see FIG. 9 ). The various game ending options are described in greater detail below. The game may start by each player rolling the dice once to determine the order of the turns. Illustratively, the player with highest roll of dice (total of both dice) gets the first turn, followed by the second highest, and so on. In case of a tie between the rolls of two or more players, the dice roll should be repeated by those players to break the tie and decide which of the tying players will go before the other tying player or players. The player who has the first turn may be designated at the beginning of the game to handle the activities of the Exchange in addition to his or her activities as a player. Players begin movement of the game pieces on the game board from the START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR position (see FIG. 1 ). Illustratively, players may move the game pieces in a counter-clockwise direction on the game board in increments determined by the roll of the dice. At each turn, the player rolls the dice twice, with a first roll determining the movement of the hidden game piece (hereinafter referred to as the hidden turn) and a second roll determining for the movement of the open game piece (hereinafter referred to as the open turn). In the case of the hidden turn of the player (see FIG. 10 ), if the hidden game piece lands on a position of the game board, the player has to make a hidden bid for the position and write it down on the hidden bid card of the player. The hidden bid is kept secret from the other players. Any amount can be bid, but may be limited to the range of amounts from 200 to 1200 in increments of 100. There can be more than one Hidden Bid for a particular position if two or more players land their hidden turn game pieces on it before a player lands his or her open game piece on that position. In the case of the open turn of the player (see FIG. 11 ), if the open turn game piece of the player lands on a stock position (or numbered space) on the game board which is not or never has been owned by any player, has never traded, or does not have a hidden bid pending thereupon by any player, it has to be bought by the player from the Exchange for a predetermined Exchange closing price, which may be 1000. This situation is most likely to occur at the start of the game. If the players open turn game piece lands on a stock position on the game board for which there is no other players hidden bid, it has to be bought by the player at a price determined by the roll of the dice, which led to the advance of the open turn game piece on that particular stock position. The cost may be determined as follows: If the dice roll for the open turn was an even amount, the cost is 100.00 less than the last trade price. If the dice roll for the open turn was odd, then the price is 100.00 more than the last trade price. The amount paid by the player whose open turn piece landed on the position, 100.00 more or less than the prior last trade price depending on the dice roll, becomes the new last trade price. As an illustrative example, player As open turn game piece falls on stock position 3 with an even roll of the dice, and there are no hidden bids pending for stock position 3 . The stock is owned by player B, as it had been purchased by player B for 900.00. Player A has to pay player B 800.00 and collect the stock position card. For stock position 3 . 800.00 now becomes the last trade price. The last trade price may be referred to as the closing price, which is the last price paid by a player for the particular stock position. If there has been no prior trade from which to determine the price, then the closing price is assumed to be a predetermined number, such as, for example, 1000. When a players open turn game piece lands on a position for which there is a hidden bid pending, the roll of the dice of the open turn determines the stock opening price. For example, the stock opening price may be equal to the sum of the roll of the dice times 100. Significantly, the stock opening price is also the open bid for the stock position of the player whose open turn game piece has landed on the position. The hidden bid or bids of the player(s) who have pending hidden bids on the position are then revealed and compared to each other and the open bid of the player whose open turn game piece landed on the position and initiated the bidding. The player that wins the bidding for the stock position is the player whose bid has the smallest bid difference (see FIG. 13 ). The bid difference may be determined differently for the hidden bids as compared to the open bid (see FIG. 14 ). For example, in the case of the open bid (of the player having the open turn), the bid difference may be the absolute value of the difference between the stock opening price (which is the open bid based upon the roll of the dice) and the last trade price (or the closing price) of the stock. If there has been no prior trade of the stock position, the exchange closing price is the closing price (for example, 1000.00). In the case of the hidden bid or bids, the bid difference may be the absolute value of the difference between the players hidden bid and the stock opening price (or the open bid). The winning player pays the amount of the winning bid to the owner of the position. If the position is not owned by a player, then the amount of the winning bid is paid to the Exchange. The winning player collects the position game card either from the player who previously owned the position, or the Exchange, as possession of the position game card determines ownership of the position. The amount of the winning bid becomes the new closing price for the position for the next round of bidding on the stock position. Occasionally, there may be a tie between players for the smallest bid difference. In that case, the player with highest bid wins. In the rare circumstance where there is a tie for the smallest bid difference and a tie for the highest bid, the tied players who are tied roll the dice to determine the winning player. The tied player with highest roll of dice wins the position, and the losing player or players pay the winning player a penalty of a predetermined amount, such as, for example, 100. If there is a tie for the tie-breaking dice roll, then the dice roll should be repeated until the tie between the players is broken. Wrong Bid Penalty The losing bidder or bidders may be required to pay a wrong bid penalty to the winning player of the bidding. The wrong bid penalty may be determined by one of two methods. A first method of determining the wrong bid penalty for a particular player sets the penalty equal to the absolute value of the difference between the players bid and the winning bid. As a result, the amount of loss depends on what the other player or players have bid and how far from the winning bid was that the players bid. Potentially, there may be several losers in each transaction. For example, the owner may lose out if the winning bid is less than the net price paid for the position. Also the losing bidder or bidders may also lose out. A second method of determining the wrong bid penalty for a particular player sets the penalty equal to the absolute value of the bid difference of the losing players bid. As with the first method of determining the wrong bid penalty, there may be several potential losers in each trade, including the owner of the position if the winning bid is less than the net price paid for the position, and each losing bidder. In an illustrative example using the first method of determining the wrong bid penalty, a player A moves his hidden game piece to stock position 1 on the game board. Stock position 1 previously traded for 1200 (e. g. the closing price) and is owned by player E. Player A writes down a hidden bid for 1100. Subsequently, player Bs hidden game piece moves to onto stock position 1 and player B writes down a hidden bid for 900. After that, player Cs open game piece moves onto stock position 1 on a roll of seven on the dice. In this instance, the stock opening price for stock position 1 is equal to the open bid, which is 700 based upon the roll of the dice. In this example, player As bid difference is equal to the players bid minus the opening price, or 1100 minus 700 equals 400. Player Bs bid difference is equal to the players bid minus the opening price, or 900 minus 700 equals 200. Player Cs bid difference is equal to the opening price minus the closing price, or 700 minus 1200 equals 500. (Note: The absolute value of the difference is to be considered so that whether or not a value is negative is irrelevant and therefore a bid difference of 500 is the same as a bid difference of 500.) Hence, in this illustrative example, the winner is player B with a bid difference of 200, and the winning bid is 900.00. Player B then pays player E 900 and collects the position card from player E. Player B (who had the winning bid of 900.00) also collects from player A (who had a hidden bid of 1100) a wrong bid penalty of 200.00 (1100 minus 900 equals 200). Player B also collects from player C (who had an open bid of 700.00) a wrong bid penalty of 200.00 (900 minus 700 equals 200.00). Thereafter, for stock position 1 . 900.00 becomes the closing price or last trade price. Subsequently, if player Ds open game piece moves to stock position 1 as a result of an even dice roll (such as, for example, eight) and there is no hidden bid pending for position 1 . player D has to pay 800.00 to player B to get the position. At that point, 800.00 becomes the closing price of position 1 . Subsequently, if a players hidden game piece moves to stock position 1 . that player makes a hidden bid. If a players open turn game piece then lands on position 1 . and there is only the one hidden bid pending for that position, the winning bid is determined between the pending hidden bid and the open bid. In a second illustrative example using the first method, player. As hidden game piece moves onto stock position 2 . The stock position previously traded for 1000, and is presently held by player E. Player A writes down a hidden bid for 900. Subsequently, player Bs hidden game piece moves onto stock position 2 . and player B makes a hidden bid of 500. Then player Cs open game piece moves onto stock position 2 on a roll of the dice of 7. The stock opening price equals the open bid which equals 700. Thus, the bid differences for players A and B are both 200 and for player C is 300. Players A and B are thus tied for the smallest bid difference, but player A has the higher bid amongst the two players and thus wins the position. Player C loses based upon the bid difference. Player A then pays player E the amount of 900 for the position, and collects the position card from player E. Player A collects from player B a wrong bid penalty of 400 and from player C a wrong bid penalty of 200. For stock position 2 . 900 becomes the current closing price. In a third illustrative example using the first method, players A and B both make hidden bid of 1000 for a particular stock position having a last trade price of 800. The open bid of player C for the stock position is 1200. In these circumstances, players A and B have tied for the smallest bid difference and for the highest bid amount. Players A and B roll the dice to break the tie. For example, if player As dice roll equals 8, and player Bs dice roll equals 5, then player A wins. Player A pays the owner of the position 1000, and gets the position. Player A also gets to collect 100 from player B and 200 from player C as the wrong bid penalty. The closing or last trade price for the stock becomes 1000. In an illustrative example using the second method of calculating the wrong bid penalty, player As hidden game piece moves onto stock position 1 . The stock previously traded for 1100.00 (e. g. the closing price) and is owned by player E. Player A writes down a hidden bid for 1200.00. Then player Bs hidden game piece moves onto stock position 1 and player B writes down a hidden bid for 900. After that, player Cs open game piece moves to stock position 1 on a roll of dice of 7. In such instance, the stock opening price for the stock position 1 is equal to the open bid, which in this case is 700 (the value of the roll of dice x 100). In this case, player As bid difference is equal to player As bid minus the opening price, or 1200 minus 700 equals 500. Player Bs bid difference is also equal to player Bs bid minus the opening price, or 900 minus 700 equals 200. Player Cs bid difference is equal to the opening price minus the closing price, or 700 minus 1100 equals 400 (note that this is the absolute value of the difference). Thus, in this illustrative example, the winner is player B with a bid difference of 200 and the winning bid is 900. Player B pays player E the sum of 900 and collects the position card. Player B (with the winning bid) also gets to collect a wrong bid penalty of 500 from player A and a wrong bid penalty of 400 from player C. Now for stock position 1 . the closing (or last trade) price becomes 900. If, subsequent to this bidding round, player Ds open game piece moves to stock position 1 with an even dice roll of eight 8 (with no hidden bid yet pending), player D has to pay 800 to player B and then receives the position. At this point 800 becomes the closing price. Thereafter, if player Fs hidden game piece moves to stock position 1 . that player makes a hidden bid, and the process of lodging hidden bids continues until the open bid game piece of a player moves onto the position. If there is only one hidden bid, the winning bid is then chosen between the hidden bid and open bid. In another illustrative example of the second method, in which a tie between players comes into play, player As hidden game piece moves onto stock position 2 . The stock previously traded for 1000 and is now owned by Player E. Player A writes down a hidden bid for 900. Subsequently, player Bs hidden game piece moves onto stock position 2 and player B makes a hidden bid for 500. Then player Cs open game piece moves onto stock position 2 with the roll of dice equal to 7. The stock opening price equals the open bid which equals 700 in this example based upon the sum of the dice roll. Thus the bid differences are 200 for both player A and player B, and the bid difference is 300 for player C. Players A and B have tied for the smallest bid difference but player A has the higher bid amongst the two players and therefore wins. Player C loses based on the bid difference. Player A pays player E 900 and collects the position card. Player A also collects a wrong bid penalty from player B of 200 and from player C of 300. For stock position 2 . 900 becomes the closing price. If player A and player B both make a hidden bid of 1000 for a stock, with the last trade price of 800 and an open bid from player C of 1200, then players A and B have tied for the least bid difference and for the amount of the bid. Players A and B have to roll the dice to break the tie. If the dice roll of player A equals 8, and the dice roll of player B equals 5, then player A wins the tie breaker. Player A pays the owner of position 2 the amount of 1000, receives ownership of the position, collects 100 from player B, and collects 400 from player C. The closing price for the stock or last trade price becomes 1000. If more than one player ties for the smallest bid difference and the amount of the bids, all respective players have to roll the dice until the tie is broken. If a players open game piece lands on a position for which the same player has a hidden bid pending, the open bid of the player is deemed to be that players prevailing bid. In such a case, subsequent transactions should occur as if this players hidden bid were non-existent. In other words, if there are other hidden bids, then the players have to determine the winning bid. If there is no other hidden bid, the player has to buy the position for the adjusted closing price of a prior transaction, such as 100 more or less than the closing price (depending upon the roll of the dice) or a predetermined Exchange closing price. Every time a player moves his or her open game piece onto a position, all players have to check to see if they have hidden bids for the position. Also, once an open game piece lands on a position for which there are prior pending hidden bids, and the bids are compared and resolved to determine a winning player, money and the position changes hands, thereafter the prior pending hidden bids for that particular position should be crossed out on the players hidden bid cards. Thus, the position is open for new hidden bids, if and when the hidden game pieces of the players land upon it. Bidding by each player at each opportunity to bid may be made compulsory. Every time a game piece (either an open game piece or a hidden game piece) lands on a position on the game board, the player has to place an appropriate bideither open or hidden, as the circumstances of the particular game piece require (see FIGS. 10 to 12 ). There may be two exceptions to the compulsory bidding requirement. In one exception, if a players game piece (open or hidden) lands on a position owned by the same player, no bidding can occur. In another exception, if a hidden game piece of a player lands on a position for which the player already has a pending hidden bid, no bidding by the player may be required. The latter situation could occur if the player lands on stock position 1 . makes a hidden bid, moves his or her hidden bid game piece on and then returns the hidden bid game piece to the same position 1 without an intervening movement of a players open bid game piece onto position 1 . In such an event, the player, upon landing on the position again, has the option to replace the earlier pending hidden bid and make a new hidden bid for the position. However, the player may let the first hidden bid stand as the entry of a new hidden bid is not compulsory. In either of these cases, the player may be required to declare his or her decision on the hidden bid to the other player or players. Each time the trade of a position occurs between players, the trade should be recorded on the trade transaction sheet. Each trade may be recorded by designating the name of the position traded and the amount of the transaction (such as the closing price for the position) on the trade transaction sheet. The trade transaction sheet is accessible to all players, and should be referred to as necessary to determine the amount of the last trade. When any game piece, either open or hidden, of a player lands on one of the spaces of the game boards that are marked with the legends You got Scammed or You Struck Gold, the player landing on the space picks a card from the corresponding group of cards having the same legend. The player then may be required to follow the directions on the card drawn by the player, which may require paying an amount or collecting an amount according to the instructions marked on the card. All payments are made to and collections are taken from the Exchange unless the card instructs otherwise. Further, each card may make reference to an explanation contained on another game piece, such as an information sheet or book, regarding one or more of the financial concepts mentioned on the card. Every time a players open turn game piece passes or lands on the START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR position on the game board, the Exchange may pay to the player a dividend for each of the positions on the board that player owns at the time of passing the StartEnd position. The dividend for each position may be designated on the back of the stock position card corresponding to the particular position. If either the open or the hidden game piece of the player lands directly on the START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR position of the game board, the player is considered to be perfectly positioned to start the new year and receives an additional start-up funds bonus of 500 from the Exchange (over and above any applicable dividends received by the player, which are receivable by the player simultaneously). Every time a piece, hidden or open, lands on the game board spaces marked with the legend END OF QUARTER I, END OF QUARTER II, or END OF QUARTER III, the player may pick a card from the cards marked with the corresponding legend. The player may earn profits or incur losses, depending on the instructions marked on the card picked. Note that a player is only entitled to pick one of these cards if one of the players game pieces lands directly on one of the marked spaces of the game board. Each fourth of the path of the game board may be thought of as a quarter of the fiscal or business year, and the end of the four quarters is the end of the financial year and start of a new financial year. Each player must keep track of his positions and collect dividends as the open turn piece begins a new financial year. Note that dividends may be collected only when the open turn game piece of the player passes the START OF THE YEAREND OF THE YEAR space, and not when the hidden turn game piece passes this space. When a player lands on one of the game board spaces marked YOU GOT SCAMMED, YOU STRUCK GOLD, or END OF QUARTER the player is required to pick a game card from the stack of correspondingly marked game cards. The player may be permitted to choose a card from the respective pile at random, and may not be necessarily required to choose from the top of the pile of appropriate cards. After any card is picked, it is kept aside from the respective stack until all the cards from that particular stack of corresponding cards are picked. Once a card stack has no more cards remaining in the stack, all of the corresponding cards are shuffled and restacked for reuse. Ending the Game Optionally, the players may choose between six possible types of game endings that can be selected (see FIGS. 15A. 15 B, 16 A, 16 B, and 17 ). For beginning players, the second version of the timed ending may be recommended. One of the ways in which to end the game is the zero liquidity ending, which has two possible versions. In the first version of the zero liquidity ending, the game ends when one of the players develops zero liquidity by running out of money (cash only) or by developing a negative cash balance. At that point, the player with the highest amount of net assets is the winner, with the amount of net assets being equal to the players cash plus the value of the positions owned by the player, and the value of the positions is equal to the last trade price. It should be noted that the winning player may be the player who developed zero liquidity and caused the game to end. In the second version of the zero liquidity ending, the game ends when all of the players except for one player have developed zero cash liquidity (or have developed a negative balance). In this version, the game would also end if all players simultaneously develop zero cash liquidity (or a negative balance), which could conceivably occur if all players have a marginal cash balance and have bids for a position that result in zero or negative cash balance. The players who develop zero liquidity prior to the end of the game become sleeping players. The sleeping players cannot participate in the game after they have developed zero liquidity, and thus are not allowed to roll the dice or otherwise take actions of non-sleeping players. The assets of the sleeping player or players remain the property of the respective players and are included in the calculation of assets at the end of the game. All of the positions owned by a sleeping player become frozen and no bidding can occur for these positions on the game board. When no more than one player remains liquid, the game is ended. The person with the highest amount of assets at that time wins the game. It is conceivable that the winning player could even be a sleeping player with a very high non-cash asset value. Another way of ending the game is the bankruptcy ending, which also has two versions. In the first version of the bankruptcy ending, the game ends when one of the players becomes bankrupt by running out of money or developing a negative cash balance and by owning no positions to sell. If this manner of ending is selected, as players develop zero cash liquidity or a negative cash balance they may be required to sell off one or more positions that the player owns to the Exchange at the last trade price for the position so that the player is able to pay off any negative balance and the player also has a cash balance of at least a predetermined amount, such as 100. This step may be required to be performed immediately by the player once the players balance becomes zero or negative. All transactions and game activity (such as the rolling of dice and advancement on the game board) are halted until the player has sold off enough positions to achieve a positive cash balance up to the predetermined minimum cash level. The last trade price of each position sold by the player to the Exchange remains the closing price for any subsequent purchase of the position. The game continues and the bidding goes on as before the liquidation of the positions by the player, except that the owner of the position is now the Exchange. When one player becomes completely bankrupt and has no cash and no positions remaining to sell to the Exchange, the game is ended. However, if the bankruptcy occurs when the bankrupt player has a winning bid, then the player has to file for Chapter BOW (Battle Of Wits) bankruptcy protection. In such a situation, if the player does not have money to pay the owner of the position, even after receipt of wrong bid penalties by the player, the Exchange may loan the player the balance between the winning bid and the players cash on hand, and the player continues in the game. It is possible that this player could re-build his or her assets and go on to win the game. The player must reimburse the Exchange an amount equal to the balance owed as soon the player has enough asset value (including cash on hand and positions held) to cover the amount of the loan plus a predetermined amount (such as 100). This reimbursement may involve selling a position to the Exchange. As an illustrative example, player A has only 200 (cash plus amount raised by selling positions owned to the Exchange, if any), but wins a bid for stock position 3 with a bid of 800. Player A receives 400 in wrong bid penalties from other players. However, the player remains short of the winning bid amount by 200. The player enters Chapter BOW, and the Exchange lends the player the 200 to complete the transaction and take ownership of the position. At this point, the players asset balance is a negative 200. As soon as the players net asset value becomes 300 (e. g. the 200 amount of the loan plus the 100 amount of the predetermined amount), the player has to pay off the 200 debt owed to the Exchange. Other than this exception, bankruptcy by any player results in the end of the game, and the person with the highest amount of net assets wins the game. In the second version of the bankruptcy ending, the game is ended when only one player remains solvent, while all of the other players have gone bankrupt. In this version the game would also end if all players become simultaneously bankrupt, which can occur if all players are nearly bankrupt and have bids for a position that result in bankruptcy. The game ending rules for this variation are similar to the first variation of the bankruptcy ending, except that the bankruptcy of a player results in the elimination of that player from the game, and the players are gradually eliminated until no more than one player remains solvent. The rules for invoking Chapter BOW bankruptcy protection apply similarly. At the end of the game, the player with the highest amount of net assets wins the game. On most occasions, the winning player will be the player that has remained solvent. However, if two or more players are nearly bankrupt and have bids for a position that result in bankruptcy, it is possible that the winner may be a bankrupt player with the smallest negative balance. Another way of ending the game is the timed ending, which also has two versions or variations. In the first variation, prior to the beginning of the game, the players decide a particular game ending time or a time period over which to play. The game is then played using the second version of the zero liquidity rules set forth above. The game ends at the scheduled time, or when no more than one player remains in the game, whichever occurs first. The player with the highest amount of assets is the winning player. In the second variation, the players also decide a particular game ending time prior to the beginning of the game. The game is played using the second version of the bankruptcy ending rules. The game then ends at the scheduled time, or when no more than one player remains solvent, whichever occurs first. Again, the player with the highest amount of assets wins the game. Some common rules may be observed for all of the endings described above. One common rule that may be observed in all of the various ending methods is that a potential game ending or elimination event (such as having zero cash balance or becoming bankrupt) can occur when a player wins a bid (open or hidden) and cannot cover it, even after collecting any wrong bid penalties. As an example, player A may have 200 cash and may win a bid for stock position 4 with a bid of 800. Player A may receive 400 in wrong bid penalties from other players. Player A is still short by 200 to cover the winning bid. In such a case, player A has to sell one or more positions to the Exchange at the last trade price in order to pay the balance of the winning bid to the owner of the position. For the positions sold, the last trade price remains the closing price, except the owner of the position is now the Exchange. If player A is unable to raise the balance of the winning bid by liquidating the positions owned, player A has to borrow the amount from the Exchange, develop a negative balance, pay the owner and then collect the position card. This transaction has to be completed, as the losing bidders must pay the wrong bid penalties. All game activities may be halted until this transaction is completed. A second common rule among the various game endings is that at the time of a potential game ending or elimination event, if one or more players owe money to another player, each owing player has to sell one or more positions to the Exchange for the amount of the last trade in order to pay the debt to the other player. In case the player is unable to pay balance owed, such as due to lack of adequate assets, the Exchange may pay the balance of the debt to the creditor player and the indebted player develops a negative balance for the corresponding amount. A third common rule among the various game endings is that when a player is required to sell a position to the Exchange, the player is not limited to selling any particular position and the player may choose any position that the player owns to sell to the Exchange. A fourth common rule among the game endings is that when a game piece of a player lands upon a position owned by a sleeping player, no bidding or transaction occurs and no money changes hands. As mentioned previously, the equipment of the game may include a plurality of stock position cards, with each stock position card corresponding to one of the positions or spaces on the game board. Each of the stock position cards may have the identity of a fictitious business or other institution marked thereon, along with an amount of an annual dividend to be paid to the player holding the stock position card when landing upon or passing the StartEnd position in the game board. As an illustrative example, the stock position cards of the game apparatus may be marked in the following manner, with, for example, a fictitious and imaginary description andor a fictitious and imaginary proper name of the company behind the stock marked on a front side and the dividend marked on the back side. 1-Worlds largest hardware store chain (dividend 200) 2-Worlds largest manufacturer of plumbing systems (dividend 200) 3-A major manufacturer of electronic equipment (dividend 400) 4-A leading manufacturer of software products (dividend 1200) 5-The worlds largest fast food chain (dividend 400) 6-The worlds largest telecommunications company (dividend 1000) 7-Makes the worlds most popular soft drink products (dividend 700) 8-An aircraft manufacturing giant (dividend 500) 9-Worlds largest manufacturer of farming equipment (dividend 300) 10-Worlds largest manufacturer of computer processors (dividend 700) 11-The worlds leading maker of canned foods (dividend 200) 12-Worlds largest banking company (dividend 600) 13-Worlds largest discount store chain (dividend 500). 14-A global gold mining giant (dividend 400) 15-Worlds largest shipbuilding company (dividend 300) 16-An international pharmaceutical company (dividend 300) 17-The largest paper manufacturer in the world (dividend 300) 18-The worlds greatest fashion design-wear manufacturer (dividend 300) 19-A tobacco giant (dividend 300) 20-The worlds largest casino chain (dividend 300) 21-The worlds largest locomotive manufacturer (dividend 900) 22-A prominent oil and natural gas company (dividend 300) 23-A sporting good manufacturing giant (dividend 300) 24-The largest eatery chain in the world (dividend 800) 25-A global manufacturer of musical instruments (dividend 500) 26-A construction giant (dividend 400) 27-The largest airlines in the world (dividend 600) 28-A leading biotechnology and gene therapy manufacturer (dividend 300) Further, as noted above, the game apparatus may also include a plurality of game cards corresponding to the YOU GOT SCAMMED positions or spaces on the game board. On one face of the cards may be marked the legend YOU GOT SCAMMED (optionally with a unique number) and on the other face of the cards may be described a fictitious and imaginary scenario and an action to be taken by the player. Further, each of the game cards may include a reference to explanations of financial concepts provided on a separate sheet. The text associated with a number of illustrative examples of the YOU GOT SCAMMED cards follow, each representing a fictitious and imaginary scenario. 1) Your broker did not mention his commission had doubled 6 months ago, did he Or may be you missed the fine print in the statement. You owe him 1000. Pay up, you have no choice. 2) You were told by your new adviser that copper has no way to go but up, since the economy seems to be rebounding. And therefore, you positioned yourself long copper futures Is that it Go figure, copper is down big time. Why Well, because a large strike in a major copper producer ended. You lost 2000. Pay up now 3) Did you know you committed a stock trading regulatory violation The Exchange says you did. It does not matter if you did not place the trade orders yourself. You should not have trusted somebody. You can figure out who later but right now pay the fine of 2000. 4) I told you, you should have researched the contractor who built the house before you bought it. But you did not listen, did you And now you find out there is a fault in the foundation. Why did the structural inspector not find it Because there are limitations on such inspections, they cannot detect problems that are not visible. Your repair cost is 3000.00. There is nothing you can do now but shell out. 5) The dollar index suddenly dropped 1 overnight You cannot believe it. Believe it or not the dollars you were ill advised to buy are worth 2 less. Why It is not because the sky is so high but because the euro jumped on positive zonal economic news reported in the German media. Pay up your loss of 1000 6) Your last transaction was termed illegal insider trading. Does not matter you do not even know what that is. Somebody broke some rules on your name. Your fine is 1500. 7) While you were cruising around your partners (players) duped you for 500.00 each by adjusting the account books. You found out A little too late it would appear. You have no choice but to pay uppay each player 500. 8) You thought you had it in your pocket Your adviser told you that since frost was predicted in Florida the frozen concentrated orange juice futures have no place to go but higher. Well, they are down big time. For one, the frost was light and not enough to cause significant damage. Second, in todays agricultural report, the estimated production was raised by 3 million boxes, which was higher than estimated. Or did your adviser not tell you the report was due today, before the markets were due to open, while you and possibly he were in bed And that the markets are often very volatile on this day. They are today and your loss is 1500. 9) Nobodys fault if you did not ask when the stock options you bought last week were due to expire. Now you know. They expired today Worthless And you still owe the premium of 1000. Pay up 10) You should not have blindly trusted that Wall Street suit you met 2 days ago. The junk bonds you bought via him are worthless. The loss of 2000 is all yours You have no choice but to pay up. 11) You were told the yen will keep appreciating against the dollar, since the Japanese economy is improving, were you Did your broker also tell you that the Japanese have been vocally unhappy at the rapid rise probably because it makes Japanese exports costly and less competitive You got talked into buying yen. Too bad because yesterday the Japanese depreciated the yen by selling their own currency. Your loss is 1500. 12) You are told you miscalculated the brokers commission or did you. Anyway the statement seems to indicate you owe the Exchange 1000. You know the rules, pay first and ask questions later. And realistically just pay and drop it go to court and the lawyers will charge more. 13) False tip. The new stock did not open off the roof as you were told was sure to happen The only sure thing on Wall Street is that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. You just lost 2000 payable to the Exchange now 14) You got yourself into buying bonds just before short term interest rates were raised And today bond prices have dropped sharply Whats that You were told the chance of a rate rise was zero Are you sure they did not say nearly zero What is certain now is that add 200 to the left of that zero and that is the dollar amount of your loss. Surely, even you can do that. نعم هذا صحيح. Your loss is 2000. 15) You buy oil sector shares and the petroleum exporters raise production overnight And your broker says this is unprecedented, he had no idea such a thing would happen, etc. etc. Actually it was rather expected. Petroleum exporters have been talking about this publicly for some time. Either your broker is ignorant or downright untruthful. Or he just cared about your commission. As expected oil stocks have dropped sharply and your loss is 2000. Pay up. 16) Did you not know the law of physicswhat goes up always comes down You bought real estate in that northwest suburb where land prices have kept going up And they will, your adviser told you Too bad for you the Mayor just announced further northward city expansion will not occur and prices are down big time. Your loss is 1500. 17) You are long corn futures. Because you heard there is a drought in the offing For your information two huge storm systems are going to pass though the Corn Belt and corn prices are down sharply. So much for weather predictions. Might as well look into a crystal ball. Your loss of 2000 is due now 18) Did you know that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of that software giant was dumping his company stock for the last 2 months Obviously not, because you just bought the stock due to bad advice. For all you now you may have bought it from that CEO. And today the company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Your loss is 2000. 19) You bought that chipmaker stock because you were told it was about to spilt And that prices would double. Let me tell you my dear friend, what I think. A stock spilt does nothing to enhance corporate earnings, the principle driving force behind stock prices. Merely increases the number of potential stockholders. Therefore, in spite of the split the stock is down sharply. That is because soon after the split, the company announced an earnings shortfall. Your loss is 1500. 20) You allowed your adviser talk you into selling an unleaded gasoline put option You could not have been more foolhardy Did you not know selling an option is fraught with unlimited risk What did she tell you. The-summer driving season is round the corner and unleaded prices will keep increasing. That is generally true but if the economy is in trouble and production is high, such as now, supply could exceed demand and prices can fall. That is exactly what is going on and prices of gasoline are down. At least your know-all adviser called and asked you to get out and take a loss. Your loss is 2000 but could have been much higher. 21) Your broker had you buy a Stock Index futures contract and went to sleep. While both you and your adviser were asleep, major political crisis developed in Asia. As a result, this morning, even before the market opened, stock futures are down sharply. Your loss from this one transaction is 1500. Got to pay up 22) Dont keep all your eggs in one basket. Did you not hear that Seems not because you did, rather most of your money in that software giant. Today there is a rumor of major accounting problems and stock is down. You have to get out and take a loss of 3000. 23) You know nothing about the metals market yet you allowed yourself into being long a palladium futures contract. Because, you are told, prices will continue to go up due to supply problems. While you were sleeping huge supplies were evident from a major Asian exporter. And the market is opening down. You have to get out and take a loss of 2000. 24) You bought oat futures because a recent study showed daily oat-based cereal decreases the risk of heart attacks. And you were told that this news, along with some weather problems in growing areas, would result in higher prices. Fact is December oats futures are up 300 in the last 2 monthsan all time record move. What your adviser did not tell you it is short-term overbought and sitting at major technical resistance levels. This morning oats have opened down and likely to spiral down further due to profit taking. Your loss is 1500. 25) Technology boom, technology boom, technology boom So you kept buying technology stocks because you are told the sky is the price limit. What you were not told is that most of your holdings are trading at values greater than 300 times their earnings per share ratios and are severely overvalued. Today markets are down sharply because of a single earnings warning from the Silicon Valley. Technology stocks could fall by up to 75 over the next few months once the market comes to grips with the valuations. Get out You have to take a loss of 2000 before you lose it all 26) You were at the wrong seat at the Stock Exchange and that too after the market opened Does not matter that you were misdirected and today is your first day. Pay up a fine of 500. 27) You were lead to believe soy oil prices will keep rising because soybeans are trending up. You get yourself positioned long July soy oil. Were you also told there is a tendency for soy oil to track Malaysian palm oil futures, which are down sharply while you were sleeping, and your adviser was warming her bed with the help of your commissions Today bean oil is down big time and pay up your loss of 1500. 28) You blindly bought a whole life insurance policy 2 months ago. And today you read about the potential advantage of a term life policy, for your situation. Cut your losses and get out of this policy. Your loss will be two months premium amounting to 2000. Still further, as noted above, the game apparatus may also include a plurality of game cards corresponding to the YOU STRUCK GOLD positions or spaces on the game board. On one face of the cards may be marked the legend YOU STRUCK GOLD (optionally with a unique number) and on the other face of the cards may be described a fictitious and imaginary scenario and an action to be taken by the player. Further, each of the game cards may include a reference to explanations of financial concepts provided on a separate sheet. The text associated with a number of illustrative examples of the YOU STRUCK GOLD cards follow, each representing a fictitious and imaginary scenario. 1) The new stock you got into at the ground level skyrocketed on the first day. Do you have a crystal ball Collect your profit of 1000. 2) Your investment in British Pound futures gave you a 100 profit in one day Overnight British consumer sentiment was reported to be much higher than expected suggesting the British economy will continue on the track of expansion. Can I have your brokers number Go collect 2000. 3) Good for you, you positioned yourself long cocoa futures. The price of cocoa has shot up due to a variety of problems in Ivory Coast. You can cash in your profit of 1500. 4) You must thank your neighbor for talking you into buying that piece of land just outside the city. The city has decided to expand and the land has appreciated by 5 overnight. Cash in your profit of 500. 5) Your no-load mutual fund has performed exceptionally well and the Exchange has 1000 waiting for you. 6) Your honest stockbroker (there is such a thing) has refunded overpaid commissions of 500. Go collect. 7) Your gardener found an old silver coin of the time of the Civil War buried in your back yard when he was digging to plant your new trees. It seems it is worth 3000. Go collect. 8) You should be glad you bought natural gas company stocks. The meteorologists have just predicted a Midwest heat wave for the next month. The price of natural gas and your stock is up. Go collect your gain of 1000. 9) Be glad you listened to your broker and bought into the oil sector. Petroleum exporters just announced a surprise oil production cut. Oil stocks are up sharply. You profit is 1500, waiting at the Exchange. 10) No expected interest rate cut Your advisor was right on the money That too going against the market. Bond future prices are up sharply and your long position is looking great. Collect your gain of 1500. 11) Your cousin seems to know what he is doingworking for that that accounting giant whose stock he talked you into buying, when it was down, saying the new leadership is dynamic. They just won a major contract and stock gained 20 in a day Collect 1000. 12) Energy prices are up after a cold winter. And the price of the oil company stock you own is up. Cash in a profit 500. 13) Yesterday, a huge draw in gasoline inventories was reportedmuch greater than the market expected for this time of the year. Your long unleaded gasoline futures position has become quite profitable. You made 2000. 14) A huge tobacco lawsuit is thrown out and the price of your tobacco company holding has jumped. Your profit, 1000, is waiting to be collected. 15) That unheard of biotech you bought into seems to have made a breakthrough in cancer research. The drug regulators just approved their novel cancer-treating drug. Their stock has skyrocketed. Cash in your gain of 2000. 16) A patent infringement suit against your software company is dismissed Are you not glad you bought its stock. Up 25 today. Collect your profit of 500. 17) Your company just won patent rights for its new metal processing method. Good for you, you own a part of it Stock is up 20 today. Collect your profit of 500. 18) What in the heavens made you buy that aircraft manufacturing giant stock It has been at multi-year lows for months. So what if your broker suggested it. Will you jump into the well if she so suggests. Earlier today, news came out on the wires that they are awarded a huge defense contract Stock is up sharply, as expected. Cash in 2000. 19) What kind of hunch did you have Buying that software company stock call options at throwaway premium prices 1 week before expiry Today a huge take-over is announced, just a day before options expiry. Stock is up sharply and your options value has quadrupled in a day. Cash in 3000. 20) What made you buy November soybeans Because it seemed too hot where you live in the Midwest Today the several leading private weather forecasters are calling for a summer drought. Soybean prices are going towards the moon You profited 2000. 21) Can I have the phone number of your real-estate broker Property prices in the north of the city, where you let him talk you into buying some land, have jumped overnight due to plans of a huge new supermarket. Go cash in your profit of 2000. 22) What in heavens made you short on September Stock Index Futures Because it began to rain in the Sahara Good call because today markets are down sharply due to rumors of a major war in Europe, in the east. Go collect your profit of 2000. 23) Lucky youshort seller of airlines stock. You did that based on what, the phase of the moon. Whatever it may be, a flight crash on the east coast has caused a massive sell off in airlines stock today. Go cash in your 1000 profit. 24) Did you dream about Brazil and open a new long position in coffee futures Did you not know that coffee stocks are at record levels for months, and demand is slow Well, there was a major frost in the Brazilian coffee growing regions and coffee futures are up sharply. Go pocket 1200. 25) Your timing of buying gold was golden Overnight, a major strike was declared in a leading mining company, expected to last for weeks, may be longer, and gold prices are up. Go cash in 1000. 26) What made you execute a long Julyshort December lean hog futures spread Did you not know that according to the previous agricultural report the number of hogs available for slaughter by end of the year was up by only 1 year over year. This increase would be easily absorbed by demand, and still leave a deficit, and as a result the price of December contract was likely to go up. Seems you got a great tip or great advice or some sign from the stars because todays report shows less front-end supply but a 2 upward revision in the year-end supply. As a result the July contract, which has a marked discount to cash, is up today and the December futures are down. Your profit is 2000. 27) Do you have intercontinental vision Is that why you are long March wheat It appears you do because you seem to have telescopically seen the major weather problems being faced by the Australian wheat. As a result wheat futures are up and you profit 1500. Go collect. Still further, as noted above, the game apparatus may also include a plurality of game cards corresponding to the END OF QUARTER I position or space on the game board. On one face of the cards may be marked the legend END OF QUARTER I (optionally with a unique number) and on the other face of the cards may be described a fictitious and imaginary scenario and an action to be taken by the player. Further, each of the game cards may include a reference to explanations of financial concepts provided on a separate sheet. The text associated with a number of illustrative examples of the END OF QUARTER I cards follow, each representing a fictitious and imaginary scenario. 1) A major player in one the sectors you prominently own raises earnings and revenue forecast (projects earnings per share a penny above the consensus estimate) for the coming quarter. The sector stocks are up and the value of your portfolio is up by 5 overnight. Collect 1000. 2) A major player in one of the sectors you prominently own issues an earning warning and lowers revenue projections (projects earnings a penny below the consensus estimate) for the next quarter. The sector stocks are down and the value of your portfolio is down by 5 overnight. Pay up 1000. 3) One of the leading companies in the software sector, in which you are heavily invested, beats earnings forecast. Earnings per share reported are a penny greater than the whispered number (final figures 2 pennies above consensus estimate). The entire sector is up and you profit 2000. Go collect. 4) One of the leading companies in the automobile sector, in which you are heavily invested, misses earnings forecast by a penny. Earnings per share reported are a penny less than the whispered number (final figures 2 pennies below consensus estimate). The entire sector is down and your portfolio is down by 2000. Pay this to the Exchange. Still yet further, as noted above, the game apparatus may also include a plurality of game cards corresponding to the END OF QUARTER II position or space on the game board. On one face of the cards may be marked the legend END OF QUARTER II (optionally with a unique number) and on the other face of the cards may be described a fictitious and imaginary scenario and an action to be taken by the player. Further, each of the game cards may include a reference to explanations of financial concepts provided on a separate sheet. The text associated with a number of illustrative examples of the END OF QUARTER II cards follow, each representing a fictitious and imaginary scenario. 1) A major player in one the sectors you prominently own raises earnings and revenue forecast (projects earnings per share 2 pennies above the consensus estimate) for the coming quarter. The sector stocks are up and the value of your portfolio is up by 10 overnight. Collect 1500. 2) A major player in one the sectors you prominently own issues a earning warning and lowers revenue projections (projects earnings 2 pennies below the consensus estimate) for the next quarter. The sector stocks are down and the value of your portfolio is down by 10 overnight. Pay up 1500. 3) One of the leading companies in the software sector, in which you are heavily invested, beats earnings forecast. Earnings per share reported are 2 pennies greater than the whispered number (final figures 3 pennies above the consensus estimate). The entire sector is up and you profit 1500. Go collect. 4) One of the leading companies in the textile sector, in which you are heavily invested, misses earnings forecast. Earnings per share reported are 2 pennies less than the whispered number (final figures 3 pennies below the consensus estimate). The entire sector is down and your portfolio is down by 2000. Pay this to the Exchange. Additionally, as noted above, the game apparatus may also include a plurality of game cards corresponding to the END OF QUARTER III position or space on the game board. On one face of the cards may be marked the legend END OF QUARTER III (optionally with a unique number) and on the other face of the cards may describe a fictitious and imaginary scenario and an action to be taken by the player. Further, each of the game cards may include a reference to explanations of financial concepts provided on a separate sheet. The text associated with a number of illustrative examples of the END OF QUARTER III cards follow, each representing a fictitious and imaginary scenario. 1) A major player in one the sectors you prominently own raises earnings and revenue forecast (projects earnings per share 3 pennies above the consensus estimate) for the coming quarter. The sector stocks are up and the value of your portfolio is up by 15 overnight. Collect 2000. 2) A major player in one of the sectors you prominently own issues an earning warning and lowers revenue projections (projects earnings 3 pennies below the consensus estimate) for the next quarter. The sector stocks are down and the value of your portfolio is down by 15 overnight. Pay up 2000. 3) One of the leading companies in the software sector in which you are heavily invested beats earnings forecast. Earnings per share reported are 3 pennies greater than the whispered number (final figures 4 pennies above consensus estimate). The entire sector is up and you profit 2000. Go collect. 4) One of the leading companies in the financial sector, in which you are heavily invested, misses earnings forecast. Earnings per share reported are 3 pennies less than the whispered number (final figures 4 pennies below consensus estimate). The entire sector is down and your portfolio is down by 2000. Pay this to the Exchange. The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the principles of the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and described, and accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention.

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